Cursive Cuisine

Pages of longhand cursive. A massive banquet of things to sort out and put together on workable plate. Many of my notes are casual cursive. Some words are printed clearly, others are a continual flow of penmanship only readable to myself. We all know this kind of writing. It looks like a physician’s prescription pad. […]

Sorting Through Sunday

The pile of material for me to sort through looks much larger than this one. This one has formed part of an even larger stack. It’s going to take some time to sort through. It’s a perfect project. Happily, I write in the surroundings of my home office. Where the music is plentiful and the […]

Looking at Longhand Writing 

Many readers will look at this photo and try to figure out what the words are. This very page sits to my right as I type this. The contents look like a Doctor’s prescription bill pad. They actually represent an outline for this very post. A few short days ago when I was working on […]

Free Writing – A Refresher

Have you worked at free writing before and maybe left it behind? If so, you might want to consider giving it another go. Regardless of where your writing career might be at the moment, free writing can break open any perceived blocks and give you the very basis of an idea that could become your […]