Homework is Stupid

  Homework is Stupid. I’m sure the educators of the world are plotting their responses as they read the headline. Disagree with me. Go ahead. Let’s have a discussion in the comments section or online. I never liked school. Grade Primary (What sensible people rightly call Kindergarten) was sold as a promise of daily fun […]

Rambling Report Cards

Let me say it right off the top. I never liked school. No matter how much my teachers indicated that I seemed to enjoy it, I never did. The occasions that I did enjoy it, were the moments where I could create and write. My elementary school is in the middle of nowhere off the […]

9th Grade Coffee Mornings

My mother began to make regular stops at a downtown Tim Hortons location on the way to work in the mornings. As a youth on my way to school with a penchant for junk food, this was great. If I didn’t feel like eating toast and cereal I went with coffee and donuts from the […]

September Solitudes and Labour Day

Here again September Even writing the name of the month on paper or screen brings a smile to my face. The very thought of the approaching fall is refreshing. I’ve written about it on these pages and elsewhere. As a subject it never gets tiring. The changing weather. The changing season. Life really beginning as […]

Looking at Longhand Writing 

Many readers will look at this photo and try to figure out what the words are. This very page sits to my right as I type this. The contents look like a Doctor’s prescription bill pad. They actually represent an outline for this very post. A few short days ago when I was working on […]

The Fall – When Life Begins

“Come Autumn. Come Fall. That’s when life begins” – Robbie Robertson Most people hold the belief with much sincerity that Spring is where everything begins. Where sunshine comes in and more light and warmth come to the forefront. Fall remains my favourite time of year. That sentiment just seems to grow stronger every September. A […]

Labour Days – School Daze

A classic Family Circus Cartoon brilliantly captured my feelings around Labour Day as a kid. Going back to school was real labour. I recall it as being a completely miserable time of year for me. Summer was over and the heartache of returning to school completely turned my stomach. I went to grade and high […]