
I’m taking a hard pass on Instagram. First, it’s something owned by the unjust impossible to trust Facebook. Secondly, there is no value for me in having it. Having one social media outlet is more than enough. Those of you that have it, I understand. It’s becoming another way to reach the audience. Instagram is […]

Me & Social Media – By Sudesna Ghosh

Folks, I’m happy to introduce you to Sudesna Ghosh. Sue is a great colleague, writer, hard worker and a compassionate animal advocate (among other things). When I approached her recently about writing a guest spot here she enthusiastically agreed. So buy her books, visit her site and read on further for her personal insights on social […]

Freelance Writing Ethics. Social Media.

The recent scandal involving Facebook and Cambridge Analytica has rightly angered millions. Accounts have been deleted. Tesla’s Elon Musk deleted his personal and company pages from Facebook. It probably turned the already red flags into a darker tone of red yet to be named. In the freelance business, many have assignments that involve managing content […]

Social Media Slim-Down

“Everyone is annoyed. Because everyone appears annoying.” This was a recent summary of someone who holds a few social media platforms right in the palm of their hands. We all have someone in our life who is oversharing on one social media platform. Maybe that is on more than one. People have become their own […]

Minimalism and Social Media

Social Media is meant to be social. Otherwise it would just be thought of as an interactive computer game. It is meant to be a pleasant distraction. It is not meant to be a complete overwhelming distraction. Companies are looking to be the next Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat ad Instagram. They are looking to hit upon […]

Social Media Saturation?

Lots of businesses are telling people to “Like them on Facebook”. We are witnessing an evolution of sorts where many of these same businesses are posting longer social media promotions within their print and web advertising. They want you to Like us on Facebook, Tweet us on Twitter, see some pics on Snapchat and Instagram. Pretty soon […]

Content Control & Social Media – A Short Refresher

Summer is here. Which means your social media probably has a few summer pics. Pics of the cottage, the water near the cottage, and the food being eaten at the cottage…all for your viewing pleasure on Facebook, Twitter, Instacoffee (my nickname for Instagram) and other platforms. One of the great things about using these platforms […]