Morning Sodas

My earliest memories of soda sipping revolved around a community rink. After spending some time on the ice, I remember my parents going to a machine with coins in hand. The sequence even stands out to me. One coin, then two at the same time for some reason. Brother would get a Pepsi while I […]

Holiday Writing

In between the meals, and in between the pints. I’ve found some time to write something just so I can write. I’m behind a closed door, in a room somewhere in Northern Ontario where I have written a few things before. A room where I have slept many good hours, and lied awake during a […]

9th Grade Coffee Mornings

My mother began to make regular stops at a downtown Tim Hortons location on the way to work in the mornings. As a youth on my way to school with a penchant for junk food, this was great. If I didn’t feel like eating toast and cereal I went with coffee and donuts from the […]

Looking at Longhand Writing 

Many readers will look at this photo and try to figure out what the words are. This very page sits to my right as I type this. The contents look like a Doctor’s prescription bill pad. They actually represent an outline for this very post. A few short days ago when I was working on […]

Subject Writing, Subjectively

I’m often amazed at how there always seems to be something to write about. The concept of Writer’s Block is a thing of my distant past now. Inspiration ignites work and inspires more inspiration. In one of the writing classes I took many years ago, the idea of free-writing was put to me in a […]

Winter Scene

Here’s a look back at a personal favourite photo. It’s taken from a restaurant overlooking the back yard behind it. Many have been fooled by this and thought it to be an opening to a large open field. It actually opens up to a harbour. This winter was a particularly cold one. The last few […]

It all comes back

A few weeks away from the grind is always good. Come to think of it, even a few days away can help to regulate life. When I was down south I initially planned to work a little each day as and if I felt like it. A large notebook would be all I needed. If […]